Saturday, November 04, 2006

Day 4

Silly, silly me.

Thought it would be worlds easier to work things in over the weekend...after all, there is another adult in the house to wrangle the smallest one who is by far the most demanding of time and attention..


I seem to have forgotten that "weekend" means there would also be 3 whole other people in the house with me throughout the day, in addition to the usual smallest boy and the dogs, since #s 1&2 are home as well.

Under those circumstances, there is honestly not a quiet square inch in this quaint bungalow where one might meditate unmolested. There is always some small being within reach asking 5 million questions, fiddling with my iPod or trying to claim space on the sheepskin...or just plain taking it.

So, I waited until bath time and snuck quietly off to the basement...and then time warped and things seemed to be taking 10 times as long as they should. Was my iPod broken? No, seconds ticking happily away...and believe me I was almost marking each off myself. "THIS COULD NOT POSSIBLY BE TAKING THIS LONG!" vibrated through every cell in my body.

Until the end. I would guess somewhere about half way through the 3 minutes of silent Sa Ta Na Ma I got in the groove, WAY in the groove. My spine was flowing, I was laser locked into my third eye and all was goooooood.

Oh yeah...THIS is why I need this EVERY DAY. How can I have forgotten?


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