Monday, November 06, 2006

Days 5 and 6

OK, so I've already missed a day of blogging.

Trust me though when I say you're glad I wasn't here yesterday. C.R.A.B.B.Y. doesn't even begin to describe me. I just deleted a start of the diatribe, but I'm just not going to go there. Nope. Not gonna do it.

I will say that in retrospect, I think my practice is starting to shift me. Buttons are being pushed. It happens every time. I need to expect it and just let it come and go...but as I can't manage to do that with stray thoughts that come across my consciousness while I'm meditating, I'm not surprised it's spilling over. I need to let it all come up, move across the surface, and get on it's way.

NO LOITERING ALLOWED. That's my new motto.

Today was better, Monday sees me happily back in my routine of napping baby and driving kids to and from school. My time is neatly segmented and I get to practice in the morning. Can see that as a priority for next weekend...tops on the list is my meditation. If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy, right?

Still getting off on tangents while I'm meditating. Know there's a lot of stuff to move out, but I didn't think it would be this hard to stay on track. It's hard to stay focused on my 3rd eye too, though I can tell things are stirring. I've gotten some "light bulb" know what I mean, clear as crystal ideas that smack you right between the eyes. Will be exploring those this week too, and some of them are pure FUN...


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