Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Days 7 & 8

WOW, this all gets way more dificult when you live with a demanding little person that doesn't sleep...

Practice times have been erratic to say the least...I even squeaked in last night around 11 pm. Partly baby difficulties, partly me being in full rebellion mode. I have a very hard time saying something "has to be". Must be the Sicilian in my blood...

I obviously haven't been getting a block of time to blog in either...and that sits fully on #3s shoulders. I will try to do better. It's really important for me to get things out in a timely manner, have a forum to clear my brain, and the accountability this provides me with is invaluable.

That aside, the overwhelming thought pushing aside my to do list while I meditate is developing an "attitude of gratitude". So very lacking right now. So very stuck in what I don't like about where I am. So very bad. I have much to be thankful for and that needs to come to the fore.

Coincidently, a friend that is also ramping up with her own forty days sent me this in an email the other day:

"I decided to add a bit to my daily routine and do the 40 day with you. So I started when you did. I've been needing a major additude adjustment and so have started 11 minutes of Ek Ong Kaur Sat Gur Prasad Sat Gur Prasad Ek Ong Kaur. I've also added another bit to my practice. I start and end each day with mentally listing AT LEAST 5 things I'm thankful for. That's a complete minimum. I try to keep this going as much as I can remember throughout the day. Boy what a difference! Yet sometimes hard to remember. Ugh"

Yep, so with needing that.

I l.o.v.e. the idea of the daily thankfuls, so here are mine:
1) 3 very healthy wonderful kids that are capable of driving me nuts every day in every way.
2) Ditto for the most supportive partner a girl could ask for.
3) We have a comfortable home...
4) ...and the ability to buy what we need.
5) A night out tonight with a fabulous group of friends that I can call on any time day or night.


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